Fellows Nomination

Decisions are made in the summer and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the fall for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the ACI Concrete Convention the following spring. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by May 31, 2025, to be considered for awards in 2026.

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Award Nominations

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ACI Fellows

Individuals were first elected to be an ACI Fellow of the Institute in 1973.

The Bylaws provide that Fellows are nominated by a Fellows Nomination Committee and elected by the Board of Direction. Potential candidates may be presented to the Fellows Nomination Committee for its consideration by a member of the Committee, by a local chapter, by the International Speakers Committee, or by petition by five current ACI Members. At the time of nomination, a Fellow shall have been a Member of the Institute, or a representative of an Organizational or Sustaining Member of the Institute, for at least fifteen years, including three of the last five years. A Fellow shall have made outstanding contributions to the production or use of concrete materials, products, and structures in the areas of education, research, development, design, construction, or management. In addition, a Fellow shall have made significant contributions to ACI through committees and/or local chapters. A Fellow shall retain that membership rank as long as membership in the Institute is maintained or until elected an Honorary Member. Nominations for deceased individuals will not be considered. Staff members will no longer be considered.

ACI's Newest Fellows, 2025:

Amanda Angelo
Amir Bonakdar
Lisa E. Burris
Tara Cavalline
Eamonn Francis Connolly
Kevin Conroy
Wassim Ghannoum
Brett Holland
Scott Hougard
Venkatesh S. Iyer
Eva Lantsoght
James Loper
Ishita Manjrekar
Scott Metzger
Anol Mukhopadhyay
William “Billy” H. Oliver, Jr.
Yu-Chen Ou
J. Bret Robertson
Matthew J. Sheehan
Robert Louis Varner

The living Fellows are listed alphabetically below:


Hakim Abdelgader
Riyad Aboutaha
Daniel Abrams
Matthew Adams
Thomas Adams
Adeola Adediran
Dennis Ahal
Theresa Ahlborn, P.E.
Rashid Ahmed
Richard Albright
Sergio Alcocer
Corina-Maria Aldea
James Aldred
Scott Alexander
Tarek Alkhrdaji
Akthem Al-Manaseer
Salah Altoubat
Robert Anderson
Scott Anderson
Amanda Angelo
Oscar Antommattei
Emmanuel K. Attiogbe


Vartan Babakhanian
Mehdi Bakhshi
Charles Bakis
Karl Bakke
P Balaguru
Nemkumar Banthia
Peter Barlow
Robert Barnes
Robert Barnett
F Michael Bartlett
Katie Bartojay
Kim Basham
Muhammed Basheer
Mohamed Bassuoni
James Baty
Daksh Baweja
Asit Baxi
Oguzhan Bayrak
Alain Belanger
Abdeldjelil Belarbi
Brahim Benmokrane
Anthony Bentivegna
Evan Bentz
Neal Berke
Raul Bertero
Jacques Bertrand
Daniel Biddle
David Biggs
Bryan Birdwell
Peter Bischoff
Benoit Bissonnette
Casimir Bognacki
Richard Bohan
Allan Bommer
John Bonacci
Amir Bonakdar
Andrew Boyd
Lance Boyer
Mikael Braestrup
Philip Brandt
Sergio Brena
Heather Brown
Michael Brown
Vicki Brown
Joann Browning
Neeraj Buch
Julie Buffenbarger
Van Bui
Lisa Burris
Mark Bury
John Busel
Oral Buyukozturk
David Buzzelli


Michael Caldarone
Peter Carrato
Paul Carter
Carlos Casabonne
Eduardo Castell
Bryan Castles
Tara Cavalline
Jose Chacon Toral
Mark Cheek
Oan Chul Choi
Mi-Geum Chorzepa
Mark Chrzanowski
Teck Chua
Larry Church
William Ciggelakis
Ned Cleland
Steven Close
Jeffrey Coleman
John Conn
Eamonn Connolly
Kevin Conroy
Cesar Constantino
James Cook
John Cook
Ronald Cook
Juan Correal Daza
Tim Cost
Peter Craig
Robert Crist
Marvin Criswell
Christopher Crouch
Martin Cuadra
Neil Cumming
Scott Cumming


Joseph Daczko
Matthew D'ambrosia
Mohamed Darwish
Marwan Daye
Joaquim António De Barros
Aldo De La Haza
Geert De Schutter
Anthony Decarlo Jr
Norbert Delatte
William Denison, Jr.
Douglas Deno
Xavier Destree
Rachel Detwiler
Walter Dilger
Sofia Maria Diniz
Dale Diulus
Om Dixit
James Donovan
Daniel Dorfmueller
Laurel Dovich
Thomas Downs
Jeffrey Dragovich
Thano Drimalas
Ashish Dubey
Oscar Duckworth
Alejandro Duran-Herrera


Mahmut Ekenel
Lennart Elfgren
Raafat El-Hacha
Ehab El-Salakawy
J Mitchell Englestead
Alvin Ericson


Amir Fam
David Fanella
James Farny
Hamid Farzam
Michael Faubel
Larry Feeser
Lisa Feldman
Fernando Fernandez
Christopher Ferraro
Filip Filippou
Walter Flood
Timothy Folks
Kevin Folliard
Dean Forgeron
Chris Forster
Fouad Fouad
Timothy Fowler
Dan Frangopol
Sidney Freedman
Terry Fricks
Robert Frosch


John Gajda
Edith Gallandorm
Edward Garboczi
Noel Gardner
William Gaspar
Paul Gaudette
Arturo Gaytan Covarrubias
Mette Geiker
Hans Gesund
Wassim Ghannoum
Hershell Gill
Alberto Giovambattista
Jill Glassgold
Harry Gleich
John Glumb
Will Gold
Fred Goodwin
Zachary Grasley
Herman Graves
Brian Green
Mark Green
Thomas Greene
Doug Gremel
Pawan Gupta


Douglas Haavik
William Hale
Donna Halstead
Bilal Hamad
Trey Hamilton
Amir Hanna
Marion Hansen
Will Hansen
Charles Hanskat
James Hanson
Issam Harik
D Kirk Harman
Kent Harries
G. Terry Harris
Patrick Harrison
Carol Hayek
John Hayes
Harvey Haynes
Werner Hellmer
Michael Hernandez
Plinio Herrera
Kal Hindo
Eugene Holland
Robert Holland
David Hollingsworth
Bret Houck
Scott Hougard
Mary Beth Hueste
Joe Hug
John Hukey
Shyh-Jiann Hwang


Jason Ideker
Richard Imper
Merlyn Isaak
O Burkan Isgor
Mohsen Issa
Venkatesh Iyer


Tarif Jaber
Mohan Jacob
Ronald Janowiak
Daniel Jansen
Donald Janssen
Claude Jaycox
Michael Jaycox
Steven Jaycox
Ara Jeknavorian
Robert Jenkins
Robert Johnson
Marc Jolin
J Woody Ju
Jose Juarez
Maria Juenger


Ashok Kakade
Thomas Kang
Maria Kaszynska
Alfred Kaufman Jr
Roy Keck
J. Scott Keim
Lloyd Keller
Dominic Kelly
John Kelly
Allan Kenney
David Kerins
Charles Kerzic
Keith Kesner
John Kevern
Mohammad Khan
Tarek Khan
Kamal Khayat
Insung Kim
Jin-Keun Kim
Yail Jimmy Kim
David Kittridge
F Wayne Klaiber
Danielle Kleinhans
Ronald Klemencic
Donald Kline
William Klorman
Venkatesh Kumar Kodur
Eric Koehler
Cary Kopczynski
Steven Kosmatka
Ronald Kozikowski
Kimberly Kramer
Larry Krauser
Michael Kreger
Jason Krohn
Neven Krstulovic-Opara
Sashi Kunnath
Kimberly Kurtis


James Lafave
James Lai
Anthony Lamanna
David Lange
Wilbert Langley
David Lankard
Eva Lantsoght
Carl Larosche
Richard Lawrie
Carlos Lazaro Leon
Douglas Lee
Nicholas Legatos
Lionel Lemay
Roberto Leon
Andres Lepage
Remy Lequesne
Robert Lewis
Tyler Ley
Donald Libby
Shih Tang Lin
Steve Lloyd
Colin Lobo
James Loper
Maria Lopez De Murphy
Emily Lorenz
Laura Lowes
Kenneth Lozen
Adam Lubell
Allyn Luke
Mark Lukkarila
John Lund
Leroy Lutz
Marjorie Lynch
William J. Lyons Iii, Faci


Clifford Macdonald
Kevin Macdonald
Ari De Paula Machado
Rita Madison
Mustafa Mahamid
Mohamed Mahgoub
Michael Mahoney
Thomas Malerk
Frank Malits
Peter Maloney
Ishita Manjrekar
Jacques Marchand
Michael Marchese
Stephen S. Marchese, P.E. Faci
John Martin
Radhouane Masmoudi
Gary Mass
Bruno Massicotte
Adolfo Matamoros
Steven Mccabe
W Mccalla
Daniel Mccarthy
David Mcdonald
Kirk Mcdonald
Ed Mcguire
Quinn Mcguire
Donald Meinheit
Richard Meininger
Scott Metzger
Fred Meyer
Dawn Miller
Richard Miller
Matthew Miltenberger
Sidney Mindess
S Ali Mirza
Denis Mitchell
Paul Mlakar
Yi-Lung Mo
Barzin Mobasher
Michael Morrison
Miguel Mota
Anol Mukhopadhyay
Javeed Munshi
Mike Murray
Hiroshi Mutsuyoshi
John Myers


Mohamad Nagi
Antonio Nanni
Hani Nassif
David Nau
Dan Naus
Robert Neal
John Nehasil
Moncef Nehdi
Narayanan Neithalath
Kamran Nemati
Joseph Neuber
Charles Nmai
Lawrence Novak
Roberto Nunez


Karthik Obla
Patrick O'brien
Byung Oh
Jan Olek
William Oliver
Larry Olson
Oon-Soo Ooi
Debrethann Orsak
Carlos Ospina
Gianfranco Ottazzi
Yu Chen Ou
H Celik Ozyildirim


Stavroula Pantazopoulou
Honggun Park
Nigel Parkes
Jerry Parnes
Gustavo Parra-Montesinos
Thomas Pasko
Shirish Patel
Jay Paul
Michael Paul
Conrad Paulson
Patrick Paultre
Victor Pavon
Rolf Pawski
Ira Pearce
Sulapha Peethamparan
William Perenchio
Aimee Pergalsky
Eric Peterson
Long Phan
William Phillips
Giovanni Plizzari
B Duke Pointer
Maria Anna Polak
Jonathan Poole
Predrag Popovic
John Popovics
Randall Poston
Henry Prenger
Jan Prusinski
Santiago Pujol


Pedro Quiroga
Jorge Quiros Jr


Franz Rad
Aleksandra Radlinska
Steven Ragan
Khaldoun Rahal
Farshad Rajabipour
Julio Ramirez
Bruce Ramme
Chris Ramseyer
B Vijaya Rangan
Prasada Rangaraju
Hayder Rasheed
Mahmoud Reda Taha
Jose Restrepo
Kyle Riding
Lawrence Roberts
J. Bret Robertson
Carin Roberts-Wollmann
Christopher Robinson
George Robinson
Mario Rodriguez
David Rogowsky
Larry Rowland
Bruce Russell
Henry Russell
Peter Ruttura
Jose Lozano Ruy Sanchez


Murat Saatcioglu
Abdul-Rahim Sabouni
M Saiid Saiidi
David Sanders
Joseph Sanders
Guillermo Santana
Thomas Schaeffer
Hannah Schell
Anton Schindler
Andrea Schokker
Ernest Schrader
Philip Seabrook
Kenneth Sears
George Seegebrecht
Stephen Seguirant
Jorge Segura
Rajan Sen
Larbi Sennour
Rudolf Seracino
Michael Serra
Halil Sezen
Bahram Shahrooz
Matthew Sheehan
Shamim Sheikh
Matthew Sherman
Hitoshi Shiohara
Avanti Shroff
Johan Silfwerbrand
John Silva
Jongsung Sim
Robert Sinn
Brooke Smartz
Richard Smith
Scott Smith
Lesley Sneed
Konstantin Sobolev
Joseph Solomon
Mohammed Sonebi
Anthony Sorcic
Douglas Sordyl
Parviz Soroushian
Nicholas Sorrentino
Jeffrey Speck
Sri Sritharan
Kyle Stanish
John Stanton
Michael Stenko
Gene Stevens
Pericles Stivaros
Bozidar Stojadinovic
Donald Strand
Leslie Struble
Kolluru Subramaniam
David Suchorski
Nakin Suksawang
Shashiprakash Surali
Lawrence Sutter
Stephen Szoke


Lawrence Taber
Maher Tadros
Luc Taerwe
Arezki Tagnit-Hamou
Caroline Talbot
Chat Tam
Jussara Tanesi
Jennifer Tanner
Scott Tarr
Stephen Tatro
Shiraz Tayabji
Andrew Taylor
Peter Taylor
Paul Tennis
David Tepke
Robert Terpening
Ganesh Thiagarajan
Paul Tikalsky
James Tkach
Daniel Toon
Amy Trygestad
Christopher Tull
J Gustavo Tumialan
James Turici


Edward Ulrich


Thomas Van Dam
Mostapha Vand
Martha Vangeem
David Vanocker
Robert Varner
Ronald Vaughn
Frank Vecchio
Miroslav Vejvoda
Victor Villarreal
Bradley Violetta


Wayne Walker
John Wallace
Kejin Wang
George Wargo
Nadim Wehbe
Charles Weiss
Jason Weiss
Orville Werner
Jeffrey West
Michael Whisonant
David Whitmore
Andrew Whittaker
Widianto Widianto
William Wilhelm
Arnold Wilson
Michelle Wilson
Roger Wilson
Wayne Wilson
Jason Wimberly


Yan Xiao


Yasuhiko Yamamoto
Samuel Yao
Fouad Yazbeck
Nur Yazdani
Kari Yuers


Lihe John Zhang
Paul Ziehl
Dan Zollinger
Ronald Zollo