Committee Home

88-S802 - Teaching Methods and Educational Materials

Committee Mission: Discuss educational programs and instructional materials to encourage teaching and learning in concrete education primarily at the post-secondary level.

Goals: 1) Develop a professional development breakfast that benefits a range of attendees; 2) Organize and deliver sessions providing creative ways to enhance teaching and learning in which participants are provided with resources.

Chair: Ben Dymond

Upcoming Open Meetings:
ACI Spring Convention 2025 - 3/31/2025 8:30 AM-10:00 AM City Hall,

Upcoming Convention Sessions:
Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Teaching Advanced Concrete Materials and Structural Design
ACI Spring Convention 2026 - Rosemont, IL

Concrete Design 201 - Design of Low-Carbon Concrete using ACI CODE-323
ACI Fall Convention 2025 - Baltimore, MD