The Romans used concrete to build major structures, and its use was known for thousands of years before that. After this period, concrete use disappeared until the seveneeth century when engineers rediscovered it and began experimenting with its constituents. Portland cement was developed in the 1820s, and steel reinforcement was introduced in the mid-1800s. During the twentieth century, a variety of admixtures were developed to change the properties of concrete.

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Practice oriented papers and articles ON HISTORY OF CONCRETE

Influence of Earthquake Duration on Response of Steel Jacket Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 12/1/2024

It's not Rocket Science - Multiple SCM Blends give High Durability AND Low Carbon

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 6/5/2024

Tunnel Lining Design, Part 2: Analysis Considerations

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 9/1/2023

Validation of Service Life Prediction for a 28-Year-Old Parking Garage Constructed of Low Permeability Concrete (Part 1)

Publication: CRC
Date: 8/1/2023

History of ACI Committee 515, Protective Systems for Concrete

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 7/1/2023

Tunnel Lining Design, Part 1: Design Considerations

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 6/1/2023

Data-Driven Decision-Making to Inform Sustainable Performance-Based Specifications

Publication: Special Publication
Date: 7/1/2022

How the ACI Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards Got its Start

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 3/1/2022

ACI Offers Expanded Support

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 11/1/2021

2021 Special International Symposium on Concrete Pavements: A Tribute to Juan Pablo Covarrubias

Publication: Concrete International
Date: 5/1/2021

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