Technical Questions

ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Characteristics of cement that affect compressive strength

Q. How do the characteristics of the cement affect the compressive strength?


A. The compressive strength of portland cement is influenced by its chemical composition, particularly the content of lime (CaO), and its fineness. According to ACI 225R-19, higher lime content increases the proportion of tricalcium silicate (C3S), which is responsible for early strength development. Dicalcium silicate (C2S) contributes more to long-term strength, as indicated by ASTM C150, which specifies the types of portland cement. Fineness also plays a key role, as finer cements hydrate more quickly, leading to faster strength gain. ASTM C204 defines Blaine fineness, a measure that correlates higher fineness with higher early strength. While all portland cements behave similarly in the long term, their early strength gains can vary. For example, Type III cement, as per ASTM C150, is formulated for rapid early strength gain compared to Type I. Variations in raw materials and manufacturing processes at different plants can also affect the strength development, even within the same ASTM classification.


References:  SP-1(02)CCS-0(16)ACI 225R-19E3-13; ASTM C150; ASTM C204

Topics in Concrete: Cementitious MaterialConcrete Fundamentals

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