On-Demand Course: ACI 369.1-22 Code and ASCE/SEI 41-23 Standards for Seismic Rehabilitation

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INSTRUCTIONS: View the recorded webinar. Complete 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.15 CEU (equivalent to 1.5 PDH).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.15 CEU (1.5 PDH)

Approved by AIA and ICC

Access Period: 30 days


This is a recorded webinar from March 5, 2024.

The webinar will present changes to the ACI 369.1-22, “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Concrete Buildings - Code and Commentary,” and the ASCE/SEI 41-23, “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings,” standard introduced by ACI Committee 369. It will discuss past and future interaction between the two recently published codes, present new changes to general provisions, modeling parameters and acceptance criteria for moment frame components, structural walls, and foundations.


Document Details

Author: Adolfo Matamoros, Insung Kim, Garrett Hagen

Publication Year: 2024


Categories: Building Information Modeling, Codes, Design, Seismic & Lateral Forces

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning Objectives:

1. Identify the sections of the ACI 369.1-22 seismic rehabilitation code that were modified during the 2017-2022 code cycle and changes to the reinforced concrete provisions implemented in the ASCE 41-23 standard.

2. Describe the changes to the general provisions implemented in the ACI 369.1-22 code.

3. Describe the changes to the joint provisions implemented in the ACI 369.1-22 code.

4. Describe the changes to beam modeling parameters and acceptance criteria implemented in the ACI 369.1 code.

5. Describe the changes to the wall provisions implemented in the ACI 369.1-22 code and ASCE 41-23 standard.


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