562-13 Code Requirements for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings (ACI 562-13) and Commentary

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**A newer version of this document exists**




The ACI 562 code provides standard requirements for evaluating existing concrete buildings and then the subsequent structural repair, rehabilitation, and strengthening of those buildings.

This code provides rules for a preliminary evaluation that determines the "design basis code" that is, if the building can be repaired based on the ACI 318 version used in the original design, or if the repair needs to comply with the current ACI 318. The code provides rules for determining strength of in-situ material, performing structural analysis, designing repairs for strength and durability, requirements for stability and shoring of construction, and inspection and testing of repairs. Commentary provides application guidance as well as references for additional information.

A must-have document for structural concrete repairs.

Keywords: repair; loads; load combinations; strength reduction factors; evaluation; analysis; durability;quality assurance;


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 562

Publication Year: 2017

Pages: 59

ISBN: 9780870318085

Categories: Codes, Repair

Formats: Protected PDF/Web View, ePub, or Kindle

This document is Historical

Table of Contents


Chapter 1—General



1.3—Jurisdictions without a general existing building code

1.4—Administration and enforcement


1.6—Contract documents

1.7—Maintenance and monitoring

Chapter 2—Notation and definitions



Chapter 3—Referenced standards

Chapter 4––Basis for compliance


4.2—Compliance method

4.3—Preliminary evaluation

Chapter 5—Loads, load combinations, and strength reduction factors


5.2—Load factors and load combinations

5.3—Strength reduction factors for repair design

5.4—Strength reduction factors for evaluation

5.5—Load combinations for structures repaired with external reinforcing systems

Chapter 6—Evaluation and analysis

6.1—Requirements for structural evaluation

6.2—Structural assessment

6.3—Material properties

6.4—Test methods to determine or confirm material properties

6.5—Structural analysis of existing structures

6.6—Structural serviceability

6.7—Structural analysis for repair design

6.8—Strength evaluation by load testing

Chapter 7—Design of structural repairs


7.2—Strength and serviceability

7.3—Behavior of repaired systems



7.6—Design and detailing considerations

7.7—Repair using supplemental post-tensioning

7.8—Repair using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites

7.9—Performance under fire and elevated temperatures

Chapter 8—Durability




8.4—Corrosion and deterioration of reinforcement and metallic embedments

8.5—Surface treatments and coatings

Chapter 9—Construction

9.1—Stability and temporary shoring requirements

9.2—Temporary conditions

9.3—Environmental issues

Chapter 10—Quality assurance


10.2—Testing of repair materials

10.3—Construction observations

Chapter 11—Commentary references


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