ACI PRC-440.3-12 Guide Test Methods for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete Structures

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Due to differences in the physical and mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials compared to steel, unique test methods for FRP bars and laminates are required. This guide provides model test methods for the short- and long-term mechanical, thermo-mechanical, and durability testing of FRP bars and laminates. It is anticipated that these model test methods may be considered, modified, and adopted, either in whole or in part, by a U.S. national standards-writing agency such as ASTM International or AASHTO. The publication of these test methods by ACI Committee 440 is an effort to aid in this adoption. The recommended test methods are based on the knowledge gained worldwide from review of research results and literature.

Keywords: anchorage; bond; coupler; creep; fatigue; fiber-reinforced polymer composites; modulus of elasticity; shear; splice; stirrup; strength; tendon.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 440

Publication Year: 2012

Pages: 23

ISBN: 9780870317811

Categories: Codes, Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: PDF, ePub, or Kindle

Table of Contents

Part 1—General



1.3—Existing ASTM test methods



Part 2—Test methods for FRP bars

B.1—Test method for cross-sectional properties of FRP bars

B.2—Test method for longitudinal tensile properties of FRP bars

B.3—Test method for bond strength of FRP bars by pullout testing

B.4—Test method for transverse shear strength of FRP bars

B.5—Test method for strength of FRP bent bars and stirrups in bend locations

B.6—Accelerated test method for alkali resistance of FRP bars

B.7—Test method for tensile fatigue of FRP bars

B.8—Test method for creep rupture of FRP bars

B.9—Test method for long-term relaxation of FRP bars

B.10—Test method for performance of anchorages of FRP bars

B.11—Test method for tensile properties of deflected FRP bars

B.12—Test method for determining effect of corner radius on tensile strength of FRP bars

Part 3—Test methods for FRP laminates

L.1—Test method for direct tension pulloff test

L.2—Test method for tension test of flat specimen

L.3—Test method for overlap splice tension test


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