ACI PRC-437.1-07 Load Tests of Concrete Structures: Methods, Magnitude, Protocols & Acceptance Criteria

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This report provides the recommendations of Committee 437 regarding selection of test load magnitudes, protocol, and acceptance criteria to be used when performing load testing as a means of evaluating safety and serviceability of concrete structural members and systems. The history of load factors and acceptance criteria as found in the ACI 318 building code is provided along with a review of other load test practice. Recommended revisions to load factors to be used at this time, additions to load testing protocol, and revisions to acceptance criteria used to evaluate the findings of load testing are provided.

Keywords: acceptance criteria; cyclic load test; deflection; deterioration;load test factors; load test protocol; monotonic load test; reinforced concrete; strength evaluation.


Document Details

Author: ACI Committee 437

Publication Year: 2007

Pages: 38

ISBN: 9780870312335

Categories: Codes, Torsion

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Chapter 1—Introduction




Chapter 2—Notation and terminology



Chapter 3—History of load test, load factors, and acceptance criteria

3.1—Scope of historical review

3.2—Summary and conclusions

Chapter 4—Load factors


4.2—Load factors for various components of service load

4.3—Load factors for extreme ratios of live load to total dead load

Chapter 5—Load test protocol


5.2—Test load configuration

5.3—Load application method

5.4—Loading procedures

5.5—Loading duration

5.6—Load testing procedure

Chapter 6—Acceptance criteria

6.1—Criteria for 24-hour monotonic load test

6.2—Criteria for cyclic load test

6.3—Considerations of performance assessment at serviceload level

6.4—Recommendations for acceptance criteria at test load magnitude level 6.5—Strength reserve beyond load test acceptance criteria

Chapter 7—Summary

Chapter 8—References

8.1—Referenced standards and reports

8.2—Cited references

Appendix A—Determination of equivalentpatch load



A.3—One-way slab system

A.4—Procedure and preliminary calculations

A.5—Calculations after calibration cycle


Appendix B—History of load test, load factors, and acceptance criteria


B.2—Historical load test practice in the United States and according to ACI

B.3—Other historical load test practices


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