Upcoming standards

When a draft ACI Standard is processed through ACI's standardization procedures, it is made available to public review for a 45-day discussion period. If there are any draft ACI Standards available for public discussion, links to those drafts are provided below.

You are invited to read these draft ACI Standards and provide comment.    

Submitting Comments

All public discussion comments entered in the PLUS platform are recorded and sent to the originating committee upon closure of the public discussion period. No additional comment form is required.  

All documents reviewed via PDF require the reviewer to input their comments in a comment form and to email their comments to discussion@concrete.org. Comments must be received by the end of the public discussion period. Due to the volume of comments received, all comments must be submitted via the Comment Form to be considered by the committee. Please DO NOT PDF the comment form. All comments will be responded to by the originating committee.

After the committee response is approved, comments and responses will be posted on this web page for 45 days.

SPEC-563: open for public comment June 22, 2024, through August 6, 2024.