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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Durability Of Pavement Concrete-Experience In Pennsylvania

Author(s): Samuel W. Marshall

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 35

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 393-404

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8501

Date: 4/1/1939

Reports data obtained from a comprehensive survey of concrete highway paving slab behavior in three adjacent Pennsylvania areas differing appreciably in climate. Quality of concrete aggregate also varies considerably in the different areas. Observations were made from standpoints of surface condition and structural condition of the paving slab, three classes (or stages) of failure recognized. In general check surveys confirmed original findings. A marked increase in rate of concrete deterioration is noted as climatic conditions become more severe. Concrete in all three areas is subjected to an appreciable amount of freezing and thawing but in one area the weather condi-tions are particularly severe. In the area of severest weather the quality of concrete aggregate is lower than in the others and heaving of subgrade is more prevalent. Existence of many factors influencing concrete paving slab durability is recognized but no attempt is made to interpret results of the survey in detai l. Results suggest that present conceptions of the useful life of concrete pavement may require mod-fication for localities in which many of the factorsinvolved may of concrete.be unfavorable to the ‘lasting qualities