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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The Temple of Light

Author(s): Allen B. McDaniel

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 29


Appears on pages(s): 397-401

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8284

Date: 6/1/1933

Ub June, 1920, at an annual meeting of the followers of the universal Faith of Baha’u’llah (Arabicfor Glory of God), the delegates from the United States and Canada selected a design for their House of Worship to be erected in the villa of Wilmette Ill., on this design the western shore of La ke Michigan. was submitted by Louis Bourgeois in the form of a beautiful plaster model. Twelve years were spent by an advisory committee of engineers and architects in an extended research to determine available materials and methods of construction to practically execute such an unusual and unique design. On the recommendations of this committee, the Temple trustees final authorized construction in two steps; first, the building of a skeleton structure of the general form of the design, and second, the "clothing" of this structure with the ornamentation. Work began in 1921 with the foundations; in 1930 and 1931, the superstructure was erected, On June 6, 1932, the Earey Studio, Washington, D.C., l was awarded the contract for the preparation and application of the exterior ornamentation for the dome of the Temple.