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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Problems and Performance of Precast Concrete Wall Panels

Author(s): Victor F. Leabu

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 56

Issue: 10

Appears on pages(s): 287-298

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8097

Date: 10/1/1959

The use of prefabricated concrete wall panels for cur- tain walls is gaining popularity in the building industry. However, the precast concrete wall panel in service can cause problems. While most walls of this type ore trouble-free, defects in some precast walls are forcing those concerned to take a closer look at design and con- struction practices. Since concrete is the basic material in the panels, the inherent problems for concrete must be controlled. Varia- tion in color, inefficent U factor, and bulging are prob- lems of precast wall panels inherited from concrete. Cor- rective measures for some of these problems are presented.