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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: 11-Year Study of Concrete Stave Silo Durability

Author(s): Research Subcommittee 714

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 57

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 797-812

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/8047

Date: 1/1/1961

In 1940, ACI Committee 714 set up a research program to test the adequacy of a proposed ACI standard, Recommended Practice for the Construction of Concrete Farm Silos . The test consisted of four silos erected on the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station at Wooster, Ohio. Each of the silos contained dry-tamped and wet-cast staves made from concrete mixes containing three grades of aggregate, three levels of cement content, and two types of cement. In addition to these variables, the interiors of two of the silos were coated with a portland cement wash-coat while the other two were left uncoated. The silos were used for storing silage under conditions similar to those found in average farm service. Periodic observations of the conditions of the staves were made during the 11 year test period. f ‘I lexural strength and absorption tests of the staves, performed on unexposed stoves near the start of the project and also on 11l-year old staves removed from the silos, showed good correlation with the visual results. The study showed that to obtain the desired low absorption and high strength values, silo staves must be made from concrete containing good aggregate and moderately high cement content. roper application of a Portland cement wash coat will substantially increase the service life of a quality concrete stave silo. The tests specified for concrete staves in ACI 714-46 ore good yardsticks for measuring the durability of concrete silos in service; however, results of this study indicate that a more restrictive current standard would resume prolonged life of the staves under service conditions.