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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Characteristics of Sorption and Expansion Isotherms of Reactive limestone Aggregate

Author(s): R. F. Feldman and P. J. Sereda

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 58

Issue: 8

Appears on pages(s): 203-214

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/7980

Date: 8/1/1961

Characteristic differences have been detected in the sorption and expansion isotherms of alkali-treated and untreated reactive limestone aggregate; these results are compared with those obtained from Vycor glass under similar conditions. It is concluded that the evidence establishes the presence, within the pores of the aggregate, of trace amounts of a material that causes expansion when water is made available to it and that the mechanism of expansion is similar to the alkali-silica complex formed in the pores of Vycor glass although the composition of the materials in the two cases may be different.