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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Semigraphical Analysis of Long Prestressed Concrete Vaulted Shells

Author(s): Andrew R. Nasser and arl B. Johnson

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 59

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 659-672

Keywords: none

DOI: 10.14359/7935

Date: 5/1/1962

Presents a simple and rational method for the analysis of transverse sections of longitudinally prestressed vaults. The method requires no involved mathematics and is also adaptable without prestress, for which case its accuracy is compared to that of available analytical solutions. The procedure is valid for long vaulted shells of such proportions that beam action may be assumed to occur. Whereas a rigorous mathematical solution for prestressed vaults is forbidding, if not impossible in many instances, the graphical approach is simple yet accurate and adaptable to vaults of any section and variable thickness. The method also promotes a physical understanding of the transverse shell action.