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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Dynamic Tests of Reinforced Concrete Columns

Author(s): Kenneth F. Reinschmidt, Robert J. Hansen and Cheng Y. Yang

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 61

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 317-334


DOI: 10.14359/7783

Date: 3/1/1964

Static and dynamic tests to failure were performed on 205 reinforced and plain concrete columns with slenderness ratios (f/t) from 3 to 25, under concentric and eccentric loads. In general, the results of these tests compare well with the ACI column formulas, except for very long columns (L/t = 25), if the static strengths of concrete and steel are replaced by corresponding dynamic strengths which depend on the rate of loading. The results indicate that, for loads similar to those obtained experimentally, the dynamic columns are about 30 to 40 percent stronger than corresponding columns loaded statically, and that the effects of all inertial forces are negligible, except for very slender (L/r= 25) columns, which are 70 to 100 percent stronger when tested dynam-ically than when tested statically.