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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Importance of Beam Properties on Concrete Column Behavior

Author(s): Shriniwas N. Pagay, Phil M. Ferguson, and John E. Breen

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 67

Issue: 10

Appears on pages(s): 808-815

Keywords: beams (supports) ; columns (supports) ; computers; frames; loads (forces) ; mathematical models; reinforced concrete; reinforcing steels; strength; structural analysis.

DOI: 10.14359/7311

Date: 10/1/1970

An established computer analysis was used to trace the column and beam behavior up to failure: (1) in unbraced frames under lateral and vertical loads; (2) in braced frames with columns bent in single curvature. The steel ratio in the beams proved to be one of the most important variables influencing the column strength. Beams with minimum reinforcement were very flexible in restraining the ends of the columns and led to column failure at low loads. In many cases the beams hinged to permit frame collapse regardless of stiffness of the columns. Beams with heavy reinforcement led to greatly in- creased column strength. Only a very limited eccentricitv could be introduced into a column from beams with Iiqht reinforcement. Poor judgments as to column strengths can result from failure to include some recognition of the beam reinforcement in frame analysis.