International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Measuring the Kinetics of Iron Sulfide Oxidation in Model Reactant Systems, Cement Paste, and Mortar

Author(s): Angelica Hunt

Publication: Web Session

Volume: ws_S22_AngelicaHunt.pdf


Appears on pages(s):



Date: 3/28/2022

The issue of iron-sulfide degradation in concrete aggregates has proven to be a major issue in concrete infrastructure, causing insufficient concrete durability and extensive structural damages which include expansion, cracking, and pop outs. Over the years, there have been various reports of iron-sulfide minerals like pyrite and pyrrhotite causing oxidation reactions and leading to extensive residential concrete foundation damage in Connecticut and Quebec, Canada. In many of these cases, damages have been so serious to the structural integrity of the structures that immediate remediation has been required to repair the deterioration. Currently, there are limited existing standardized testing methods or mitigation strategies for the presence of iron-sulfide minerals in concrete aggregates because the mechanisms by which degradation occurs are not fully understood. The objective of this research is to experimentally measure the kinetics of iron-sulfide oxidation reactions in model reactant systems, cement paste, and mortar to assist in determining the factors that influence the deterioration of aggregates used in concrete infrastructure. This research will be beneficial in providing future mitigation strategies that will prevent more major concrete infrastructure damage due to iron-oxidation reactions.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.