International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Bond deterioration between concrete and ribbed bars due to reinforcement corrosion

Author(s): Rodríguez Santiago, J.; Ortega Basagoiti, L.M.; Casal Macías, J.; Vidal Mesa, M.A.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 44

Issue: 189

Appears on pages(s): 49 - 65



Date: 1/8/1993

Corrosion of steel produces cracking and spalling of concrete cover and, consequently, bond deterioration between steel and concrete. Although some papers have been published on this subject, there is a lack of systematic study of the problem. Recently, GEOCISA has started an experimental work on the effect of corrosion in bond deterioration, under the BRITE/EURAM project ""The residual life of reinforced concdete structures"". Tests with the bars placed in the four corners of a concrete block, simulatung the conditions of the main reinfocement in the zone of a beam with constant shear force, have been used. The rinforcing bars were corroded by means of an accelerated procedure to obtain different levels of concrete cracking in several months. This paper summarizes the obtained results which show the inflience of some parameters (cover size/bar diameter, bar position and amount of stirrups) on the relation between corrosion and bond deterioration.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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