Unbondend tendons slab in a car park, in the littoral ring road in Barcelona
Rui-Wamba Martija, J.; Fernández Gómez, M.A.; Bellod Thomas, J.L.
Appears on pages(s):
67 - 73
The communication presented collects the experience of the project and construct ion of a car park with 650 places, placed under one of the lateral roadways of the Litoral Ring Road of Barcelona. The car park has mainly a linear aspect with a total length of almost 800 m, and a width of 16,5 m that is constant except for its initial part that is 40 m width. The roof is solved by using a 0,30 m thickness solid slab width unbonded tendons, simply supported on a lateral wall and encatred in the pillars. The structure is very modulated and has not appreciable differneces between its different zones, except for a couple of special modules that two footbridges that crosses the Littoral Ring Road join over. In a special zone, where the existence of two mainsewers forced to separate two of the alignement reducing appreciablely the length in one of the spans, a partial breaking in the slab was produced close to one of the pillars, during the construction labours. The causes of the accident are analysed in the communication and some criteria are shown that may help to avoid similar accidents. Moreover, some concepts of the prestressed concrete technology are revised, that express clearly the difference with the reinforced concrete.
ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access
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