International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Pujayo Viaduct

Author(s): Pantaleón Prieto, M. J.; Ramos Gutiérrez, Ó. R.; Ortega Carreras, G.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 60

Issue: 252

Appears on pages(s): 37 - 52

Keywords: Balanced cantilever, prestressed concrete, variable height, segments, bridge monitoring system.


Date: 1/3/2009

The Pujayo Viaduct (which belongs to the Molledo ? Pesquera section of the Cantabria ? Meseta Highway) crosses over the valley of the Galeron River. The viaduct consists of a prestressed concrete bridge, constructed by the balanced cantilever method, with a total length of 420 m, distributed in 5 spans, perfectly placed into the valley. The 3 central spans are 100 m long, whereas the side ones are 60 m long. The monocelular box cross-section of the girder, with inclined webs, has a variable height, between 2.5 and 6.0 m. The highway consists of 2 roadways, one with 2 lanes and the other with 3 lanes, all of them placed in a single 26.10 m wide deck slab. The maximum height of the piers is 64 m. They have a rectangular cross-section, whose depths vary both linearly in longitudinal and transversal directions.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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