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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Amposta bridge - Rehabilitation works

Author(s): del Pozo Vindel, F.; Arrieta Torrealba, J.Mª.; Cerezo Macías, A.; Gómez Irigaray, M.; Hue ibargüen, A.; Vázquez Salgueiro, A.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 60

Issue: 253

Appears on pages(s): Jul-42

Keywords: Suspendion bridge, rehabilitation, cables, suspender, saddle, pier.


Date: 1/5/2009

This article describes the rehabilitation conducted on Amposta Bridge, one of engineer José Eugenio Ribera?s most prominent works. A prior article, ?Estudios, inspección especial y proyecto de rehabilitación del puente de Amposta" (studies, special inspection and rehabilitation design for Amposta bridge) Publisher in the first quarter 2006 issue (241) of Hormigón y Acero, described the original design, its eventful history and a special inspection to determine the state of repair of its members and elements. The present article, a continuation of that paper, describes the rehabilitation process. Performed with today?s resources, it entailed virtually no change in Ribera?s brilliant structural conception, while applying state-of-the-art technology to lengthen the life of this masterwork of engineering genius and important contribution to Spanish heritage.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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