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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) For Precast Structural Concrete - Research And Development In Aust.


Publication: CIA



Appears on pages(s):



Date: 2/13/2011

Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) with compressive strengths in excess of 180MPa is currently being produced in Australia, and bridge girders and slabs for real practical applications are being produced. A high speed mixer capable of mixing 2.0m3 is used for the production of RPC. The water/binder ratios are in the range of 0.15-0.21 with a corresponding water/cement ratio of about 0.20-0.24. The maximum size of particles in a typical RPC mix is limited to about 800μm and a special type of micro steel fibre with tensile strength exceeding 2000MPa is used. All constituent materials, except for the steel fibres, are readily available in Australia. RPC is produced to have a flowing consistency and high workability so that required compaction is minimised. Production of RPC requires a high degree of quality control and subsequent curing and handling facilities. In this paper, the effects of hot water, steam and air curing on strength development of RPC are compared. The use of AS 3972 Type HE Cement in RPC for high early strength development to facilitate the transfer of prestress is discussed. The development of suitable mix proportions of RPC using local materials is outlined and the results of a material testing program are presented. This research forms an integral part of a project in which RPC pre-tensioned girders are being used for the first time on a vehicular bridge, in New South Wales.