• The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Cork Concrete Performance under Freeze-Thaw Cycles


Publication: CIA



Appears on pages(s):



Date: 2/28/2011

The durability of constructive and structural concrete elements located on the exterior of constructions is severely affected by the more or less aggressive characteristics of the surrounding environment. In cold climates, the cyclic oscillation of environment around the fusion point of water leads to an increased rate of deterioration of concrete, due to the occurrence of freeze-thaw phenomenon. It is known that more compact concretes are more sensitive to this deterioration effect, since the expansion of frozen water within these types of concrete creates great internal stresses. One possible method to reduce this stresses and ensure higher durability is adding a controlled amount of small size voids within concrete via, for instance, an air entrainment chemical product. A research project aiming studying the effects of lightweight expanded cork granule used as aggregate in concrete is currently under way. Previous work allowed designing different cork concrete mixes and the evaluation of their physical and mechanical properties. The presence of cork granules within concrete creates soft spots within concrete, possibly emulating the effect of air bubbles produced by chemical agents. Laboratory freeze-thaw tests on different types of concrete were performed. Several batches of cork concrete, using different amounts of cork granule, were produced, and subjected to accelerated aging through freeze-thaw cycles.