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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Thermal effects on GFRP rebars: experimental study and analytical analysis

Author(s): Abdelmonem Masmoudi, Radhouane Masmoudi, Mongi Ben Ouezdou

Publication: RILEM

Volume: 43

Issue: 6

Appears on pages(s): 775-788

Keywords: Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers bars; Pullout test; Bond behaviour; Thermal effect


Date: 5/26/2010

The bond mechanism between Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars and concrete is investigated through experimental testing and analytical modeling. This bond depends on several parameters such as temperature. The present paper studies the thermal effect, under high temperature up to 80°C, on bond behaviour at the interface GFRP bars/concrete through pullout-testing. These tests are conducted on specimens after 24 h of exposure at various temperatures. The thermal effect on an average short-term bond strengths and the pullout-load versus end-slip behaviours are compared to untreated specimens (20°C). Some pullout-tests on steel bars/concrete are also performed for the comparison. Experimental results show no significant change in the average bond strength for specimens subjected to temperatures up to +60°C. On the other hand at 80°C, there is a decrease of bond strength of about 22 and 28% for the 8 mm and the 16 mm diameter rods, respectively. An analytical model of the bond stress-slip response of a GFRP/concrete bar has been proposed. The results show good accuracy between the model and the experimental results.

International union of laboratories and experts in construction materials, systems and structures, International Partner Access

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