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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Steel Jacket Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns for Enhanced Shear Strength--Part 2: Test Results and Comparison With Theory

Author(s): M. J. Nigel Priestley, Frieder Seible, Yan Xiao, an dRavindra Verma

Publication: Structural Journal

Volume: 91

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 537-551

Keywords: bridges (structures); columns (supports); ductility; failure; flexural strength; shear strength; seismic loading; Structural Research

DOI: 10.14359/4168

Date: 9/1/1994

In this, the second part of a two-part paper on assessment and retrofit of bridge columns susceptible to shear failure, experimental results are presented from two test programs. The first involved tests of four "as-built" circular columns expected to fail in shear, with an additional four columns retrofitted with steel jackets. The second involved three "as-built" and three jacketed rectangular columns. Variables included axial load level, strength of longitudinal reinforcement, and aspect ratio as well as section shape. All "as-built" columns failed in shear in a brittle fashion, or at low-flexural ductility levels. Jacketed columns performed extremely well, with stable hysteresis loops being achieved to displacement ductility levels of DELTA 8. Performance of "as-built" and retrofitted columns conformed to analytical models presented in the companion paper.