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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Application of Computers and Spreadsheet Software to Assure Durable Concrete

Author(s): R. L. Dilly, V. Beizai, and W.L Vogt

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 100


Appears on pages(s): 555-576

Keywords: air entrainment; compressive strength; computer programs; concrete durability; evaluation; mix proportioning; quality control; variations; water-cement ratio; Design

DOI: 10.14359/3071

Date: 4/1/1987

The design of a durable concrete mixture and the control of that mixture during construction commonly involves the measurement of properties relating directly to structural attributes, strength, or modulus of elasticity. Of these, compressive strength, along with cement, water, and air content, are most easily measured, and variations in these properties can be related to variations in durability. A personal computer using spreadsheet software and/or an HP-41C program provides a quick means to: (a) evaluate a proposed mixture; (b) establish laboratory trial batch proportions; (c) determine if the trial batch balances; (d) provide adjustments for subsequent trial batches; and (e) evaluate the variations in the production of concrete based upon the compressive strength. A normal-weight concrete mixture that balances provides reasonable assurance that properties and proportions are correct for evaluating durability attributes of mixtures. Data-base management and graphics features of the spreadsheet programs may be used to help evaluate variations in strength during construction, which may be indicative of variations of durability attributes.