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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Control of Steel Corrosion in Chloride Contaminated Concrete Through Aron Wall Surface Coating

Author(s): R. N. Swamy and S. Tanikawa

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 126


Appears on pages(s): 371-392

Keywords: adhesion; carbonation; chlorides; coatings; concretes; corrosion; durability; sodium chloride; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/2225

Date: 8/1/1991

Chloride intrusion and carbonation are the two major deteriorating processes that cause depassivation of steel embedded in concrete and lead to damage to concrete structures. If surface coatings to concrete are to be effective in protectin and preserving new as well as existing structures, they have to fulfill two important functions. First, they should prevent intrusion of chloride ions, and second, they should protect steel in chloride-contaminated concrete by preventing ingress of water, air, and other destructive agents. The paper presents extensive test data on the ability of an acrylic rubber-type coating, in fulfilling these two functions. Tests on coated and uncoated reinforced concrete prisms containing various amounts of added sodium chloride and exposed to seawater are reported. The results show conclusively that Aron Wall coating prevents the intrusion of air, water, and chloride ions, and provides excellent protection to steel in chloride-contaminated concrete while maintaining its adhesion to concrete, integrity, and continuity.