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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Cement Performance in Concrete Exposed to Sulfate Soils

Author(s): L. A. Dahl

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 46

Issue: 12

Appears on pages(s): 257-272

Keywords: no keywords

DOI: 10.14359/12056

Date: 12/1/1949

The Long-Time Study of Cement Performance in Concrete deals with the performance of portland cements in concrete under various conditions of exposure in the field. Among these conditions is exposure to sulfate soils, that is, to the so-called "alkali soils." This part of the investigation is reported in Chapter 5*, in which the complete data are given. The present paper describes briefly the work reported in Chapter 5 and the conclusions which have been drawn. Those readers who wish to study the results in greater detail are referred to the more complete report.