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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Laboratory Tests of Spaced and Tied Reinforcing Bars

Author(s): William T. Walker

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 47

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 365-372

Keywords: no keywords

DOI: 10.14359/11999

Date: 1/1/1951

Tests of beam and pull-out specimens containing speed and tied reinfocing arrangements indicated that little or no advantage would be obtained by spacing deformed reinforcing bars at splices. Pull-out tests showed that for deformed bars, placed vertically, in which interlocking of lugs could take place there was a slight increase in strength due to tying the bars. Beam tests showed no significant difference between spacing and tying. Twelve beams containing three different types of deformed bars either spaced or tied and extending the entire lengthof the specimens were tested. The sixty vertical pull-outs tested also contained three different types of deformed bars. Half of these were made with the bars spaced and half with the bars tied together. The reinforcing arrangement brought only one bar out of the specimens for pulling; the other was allowed to bear on the base plate. Spacing of the bars in both beams and pull-outs conformed to the Joint Code minimum spacing requirement of 2 1/2 diameters center to center with a minimum clear distance of 1 1/2 times the maximum size of coarse aggregate.