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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Problems Attending Use of Higher Strength Concrete in Thin Arch Dams

Author(s): Merlin D. Copen

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 72

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 138-149

Keywords: arch dams;concrete dams;cracking (fracturing);foundations;high-strength concretes;joints (junctions);mass concrete;stresses;temperature control.

DOI: 10.14359/11122

Date: 4/1/1975

The use of higher strength concrete in thin arch dams would usally result in greater econmy through reduced concrete volume necessary to meet safety requirements. Higher strength concrete would tend to reduce deflections in the dam and may improve the strength of construction joints and permit earlier form removal. Disadvantages encountered with the use of higher strength concrete include: development of stress concentrations, particularly in the foundation for the dam; tendency for more cracking in the concrete; increased temperature control problems;and complications involved with openings through the dam and roadways over the dam. Alternatives to higher strength concrete are improved concrete control to produce a more homogenous, istropic material; better understanding of site and loading conditions to which the dam will be subjected; application of modern design and construction practices and equipment; and correct evaluation of concrete and foundation properties.