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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Air Contained in Superplasticized Concretes

Author(s): Giampietro Tognon and Stefano Cangiano

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 79

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 350-354

Keywords: air-entrained concretes; air entraining agents; air entrainment; bubbles;consistency tests; formaldehyde; fresh concretes; naphthalene; plasticizers;slump tests; vebe tests; water-cement ratio; water content; vibration; workability.

DOI: 10.14359/10911

Date: 9/1/1982

The air-entraining activity of superplasticizers based on sulfonated naph thalene formaldehyde condensates was studied in concretes made with different water-cement ratios. Results indicated that these admixtures cause air entrainment which is directly related to the workability of mixes. Nevertheless, the comparison with concretes containing an air-entraining agent showed that the air bubbles introduced by the super-plasticizers are not bound to the cement particles and are characterized by sizes two to four times as high as those due to an air-entraining agent. Also, when working with superplasticized self-leveling concretes, a vibrating, even if moderate, action is necessary to eliminate the entrained air that, because of its size, is not useful against frost action.