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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Computer-Aided Concrete Mix Proportioning

Author(s): Sukhvarsh Jerath and lsam A. Kabbani

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 80

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 312-317

Keywords: age-strength relation; aggregates; compressive strength; computer programs; concretes; curing; mix proportioning; regression analysis; statistical analysis; temperature; water-cement ratio.

DOI: 10.14359/10854

Date: 7/1/1983

The hetrogeneous nature of concrete and concrete materials creates numerous variables which influence the properties. of fresh and hardened concrete. In the AC1 211. I-77 method of mix proportioning, a set of tables obtained from the observation of a large number of trial mixtures are used. The relationship between the different variables in these tables are formulated into equations. Simple nonlinear regression and multiple nonlinear regression equations were used to derive the relationships between the variables involved. The regression analysis was done by using the computer program Statistical Analysis System (SAS). A computer program was writtten for proportioning the different ingredients of concrete using the derived equations.