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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A Testing Procedure for Assessing the Uniaxial Tensions of Concrete

Author(s): H. Akita, H. Koide, D. Sohn, and M. Tomon

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 201


Appears on pages(s): 75-92

Keywords: concrete; notch; secondary fiexure; tension softening; test method; uniaxial tension

DOI: 10.14359/10759

Date: 7/1/2001

The testing proccdurc for the uniasial tension of concrctc in or&r to monitor tension softening bchwior is not cstablishcd )zt, bccausc thcrc arc scvcral difficulties for performing the tat. Various test conditions v,,hich wcrc somctimcs on the contrary have been proposed in the pzst 30 years. This paper suggests a rccommcndablc testing proccdurc for the uniwxial tension with fundamcnt:rl csplanations. In the prcscnt proccdurc, prismatic spccimcns having primary and guide notches on the laterals v,‘crc cmploycd. In addition, an original gear system w;is adopted for complctc elimination of secondary flcxurc or for maint;rining an artificial flcsurc at a conskrnt Icvcl. It was shown that the proposccl proccdurcs cnzblc to monitor tension softening curves :rnd to provide rcliablc test results.