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Home > Publications > International Concrete Abstracts Portal
Showing 1-5 of 85 Abstracts search results
August 1, 2024
Robert M. Weilacher, Jesse Fortner, and Todd Hamby
Concrete International
The FORTH Atlanta social club and hotel was designed with a concrete structural diagrid on the outside of the building. The columns were to be placed outboard of the slab edge, the corners at the top and bottom needed to “fold” inward to emphasize the three-dimensional form of the structure, and the flying beam at the roof perimeter was designed to cap off the diagrid.
July 1, 2024
Gordon H. Reigstad, Jason G. Reigstad, and Jared M. Reigstad
The PS=Ø system allows engineers to design post-tensioned (PT) and reinforced concrete members with more restraint releases and without the construction schedule delays of traditional pour strips. With or without temporary PT stressing strips, PS=Ø couplers can be used as restraint relief details in slab-to-slab, slab-to-wall, and beam-to-beam joints.
June 3, 2024
This month's Q&A focuses on requirements for checking flatness of suspended slabs. It discusses the time limit for measuring floor flatness after finishing, compliance requirements for the manual straightedge method, minimum number of samples, and sample distribution, as well as possible remedies for noncompliance.
June 1, 2023
Pericles C. Stivaros
We are in the process of designing shoring and reshoring schedules for the construction of a high-rise flat-plate type reinforced concrete building on a tight schedule. Does ACI have guidelines and/or recommendations for construction procedures that can help us meet the fast-track project requirements?
April 1, 2023
Sana Amir, Cor van der Veen, Joost Walraven, and Ane de Boer
Symposium Papers
A large number of bridges in the Netherlands have transversely post tensioned deck slabs cast in-situ between flanges of precast girders and were found to be critical in shear when evaluated by Eurocode 2. To investigate the bearing (punching shear) capacity of such bridges, a 1:2 scale bridge model was constructed in the laboratory and static tests were performed by varying the transverse prestressing level (TPL). A 3D solid, 1:2 scale model of the real bridge, similar to the experimental model, was developed in the finite element software DIANA and several nonlinear analyses were carried out. It was observed that the experimental and numerical ultimate load carrying capacity was much higher than predicted by the governing codes due to lack of consideration of compressive membrane action (CMA). In order to incorporate CMA in the Model Code 2010 (fib 2012) punching shear provisions for prestressed slabs, numerical and theoretical approaches were combined. As a result, sufficient factor of safety was observed when the real bridge design capacity was compared with the design wheel load of Eurocode 1. It was concluded that the existing bridges still had sufficient residual bearing capacity with no problems of serviceability and structural safety.
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.