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Showing 1-5 of 12861 Abstracts search results
February 1, 2025
Deborah R. Huso
Concrete International
The Populus hotel in Denver, CO, USA, puts a new spin on biophilic architecture. The building’s design was inspired by the knotted white bark of the native aspen tree (Populus tremuloides). The hotel’s striking eye-shaped window openings mimic the scaling bark of the aspen while the curving façade stands like a series of stately aspen trunks rising from the city’s sidewalks.
Sherif El-Tawil, Musawer A. Saqif, William Hazelton, Jon Winckler, and Michael Clark
Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is an advanced cementitious composite material with extraordinary mechanical and durability properties. This article discusses the construction of a short-span bridge using UHPC as well as the cost considerations associated with building an entire bridge with UHPC and reflects on lessons learned from the process.
Scott M. Anderson
Since 2016, ACI and the global community have experienced significant developments. In response, ACI leadership initiated a strategic update to ensure the Institute remains adaptable and effective. This refreshed plan builds upon ACI’s established goals, aligning its efforts with the changing needs of the global community.
Owners, project teams, ACI chapters, and international partners are invited to nominate concrete construction projects for the 2025 Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards. The Awards recognize projects that demonstrate exceptional concrete construction from around the world for innovation, complexity, achievement, and value that concrete as a material provided.
A record number of 2240 concrete professionals attended the ACI Concrete Convention – Fall 2024 in Philadelphia, PA, USA, held November 3-6, 2024. ACI’s 198th convention boasted a comprehensive schedule with over 300 committee meetings, more than 60 technical sessions, an industry trade exhibition, and networking events.
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The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.