International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams with High-Strength Steel Bars

Author(s): Alexander S. Weber-Kamin;Shahedreen Ameen;Rémy D. Lequesne;Andrés Lepage

Publication: CRC



Appears on pages(s):

Keywords: high-strength,reinforced,concrete,coupling,beams


Date: 1/23/2020

The use of high-strength steel bars in reinforced concrete coupling beams is expected to reduce reinforcement congestion. A series of tests was conducted to investigate the effects of high-strength reinforcement on coupling beam behavior. This document summarizes the test program and test data. Eleven large-scale coupling beam specimens were tested under fully reversed cyclic displacements of increasing magnitude. The main variables of the test program included: yield stress of the primary longitudinal reinforcement (Grade 80, 100, and 120 [550, 690, and 830]), span-to-depth (aspect) ratio (1.5, 2.5, and 3.5), and layout of the primary longitudinal reinforcement (diagonal [D] and parallel [P]). All beams had the same nominal concrete compressive strength (8,000 psi [55 MPa]) and cross-sectional dimensions (12 by 18 in. [310 by 460 mm]). Beams were designed for target shear stresses of 8ඥ𝑓௖ ᇱ psi (0.67ඥ𝑓௖ ᇱ MPa) for D-type beams and 6ඥ𝑓௖ ᇱ psi (0.5ඥ𝑓௖ ᇱ MPa) for P-type beams. Transverse reinforcement was Grade 80 (550) in all but one beam, which had Grade 120 (830) reinforcement. The test program is documented by presenting the details of specimen construction, test setup, instrumentation, and loading protocol. Documentation of test data includes material properties, cyclic force-deformation response, progression of damage, calculated and measured strengths, initial stiffness, and measured reinforcement strains.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.