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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Proposition of Mixture Design Method for Ultra-High- Performance Concrete

Author(s): Roberto Christ, Bernardo Fonseca Tutikian, and Paulo Roberto do Lago Helene

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 119

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 79-89

Keywords: fiber-reinforced concrete; mixture design; particle-size distribution; ultra-high-performance concrete

DOI: 10.14359/51734191

Date: 1/1/2022

The mechanical potential, the durability, and the most varied uses of structures have been studied and disclosed. However, there is still a gap regarding the determination of mixing ratios using a simple, accessible mixture design method that allows the determination of the ideal ratio of mixture constituents. Some studies on ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) mixtures did not present a method to define the mixing ratio with different materials and fiber contents, with high mechanical strength and no workability loss. To develop a method of mixing design from informational parameters of the materials, this paper presents a method of dosing UHPC. The proposed method is based on the packaging of particles through the previous evaluation of the percentages of each material according to its particle size distribution. Results showed that the proposed mixture design method can grant high potential compressive strength to the mixture. There was also a linear relation between higher matrix compacity and compressive strength. The composition with higher compacity—that is, the lowest void ratio of the mixture—presented an increase of 20% in compressive strength compared to the mixture with less compacity.