International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Influence of high volume ternary blend from fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag on concrete properties

Author(s): Nattapong Makaratat, Punnaman Norrarat, Chai Jaturapitakkul, Smith Songpiriyakij

Publication: TCA

Volume: Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): July-December 2019


Appears on pages(s): 1-13

Keywords: Fly ash; Ground granulated blast furnace slag; High volume; Ternary


Date: 11/19/2019

This paper presents the properties of concrete containing high volume of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag (HVFGS). The fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GS) were used to replace Portland cement at 40 to 80% by weight of the binder as ternary blends. Many series of test, namely setting times, compressive strength, water permeability, rapid chloride permeability, total shrinkage, and abrasion resistance were evaluated, and compared to those of OPC concrete and fly ash concrete, in which 30% of FA was replacement in binder. The results revealed that HVFGS concrete produced excellent strength and durability properties. The HVFGS binder effectively reduced water permeability, chloride ion penetration, and drying shrinkage of concrete. In addition, HVFGS binder provided good abrasion resistance for the concrete, although the HVFGS concrete contained low Portland cement.

Thailand Concrete Association, International Partner Access

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