New Generation of High-Range Water Reducers
Suzanne Lianopoulos
Web Session
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Since the introduction of polycarboxylate based high-range water reducers in the mid-1990s, scientists have made significant progress in the design of polymer structures and the ability of these polymers to affect the performance of concrete. Advances in the understanding of the polymer structure and its relationship to the performance in concrete have expanded the capabilities of new generation high-range water reducers to incorporate a broader range of design criteria and applications. From speed of dispersion to rheology improvement, polymers are developed to meet the demanding placement conditions of concrete contractors and the high-performance specifications from architects and engineers. The science of polymer design has grown to a purposeful manipulation of the polymer structure at the molecular level and has pushed these materials to achieve performance beyond the apparent performance boundaries. Maximizing dispersion speed, extending workability retention without impacting initial workability or causing adverse effects on time of setting or early-age compressive strength, and positively influencing the rheological properties of concrete are among some of the most recent technological developments in polymer-based high-range water reducers. This presentation will cover new polymer innovations and how they are being used to address the needs of concrete producers to improve operational efficiency, maximize contractors’ placement ability, and enable architects and engineers to expand design potential. These polymer innovations are challenging the industry to re-think high-range water reducer performance expectations.