International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Field data and theoretical analysis of construction loads on floor slabs of reinforced concrete buildings

Author(s): Moragues Terrades, J.J.; Catalá Alis, J.; Pellicer Armiñana, E.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 45

Issue: 190

Appears on pages(s): 83 - 91



Date: 1/1/1994

A report on the construction loads undergone by floor slabs was presented at the previous assembly of the ATEP in Alicante. Here. more field data, obtained from another building in Alicante, and conclusions are shown. Besides, a bidimensional linear analysis of construction loads on slabs and shores of a typical reinforced concrete building was carried out, and the results are presented now. The preogram SAP90, version 5.3, is used to perform the analysis. Two and three consecutive floor slabs are taken into account. First, the variation of the modulus of elasticity with the age of the concrete is not considered. Later, this variation is taken into consideration and, finally, the partial shore removal, a very common method nowadays, is approached. The results are presented and compared to the field data and other theoretical methods proposed by several researchers. The main consequence could be that the results obtained from the theoretical analysis are very close to the field data, specially when considering the partial shore removal. This is also fullfiled by load distribution to each floor slab.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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