International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Refitting of pre-stressed concrete cilindrical tanks

Author(s): Fagoaga, E.; Jiménez, O.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 42

Issue: 179

Appears on pages(s): 71 - 74



Date: 1/3/1991

In this article on describe the rehabilitation of some circular pre-stressed concrete tanks used as water storage tanks, that had been partially or completely out of service as a result of the corrosion of the prestress reinforcement (a continuous helix of tensioned wire) placed in the outer walls of the concrete structuralmember. This problem has been solved by replacing the continuous helix of tensioned wire, with a series of 0,6'' single strand steel tendons, positioned according to calculations made. An additional protection, in the form of 5 cm. of pneumatically applied concrete, has been given to the tendons. Similar treatment is given to the inside walls of the tank. Glass fibre is mixed with the pneumatically-applied concrete.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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