International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Comprehensive optimal design for concrete pipes

Author(s): De la Fuente, A.; Aguado, A.; Molins, C.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 62

Issue: 260

Appears on pages(s): 77 - 91

Keywords: concrete pipes, fiber reinforced concrete, non linear analysis, crushing test, cracking.


Date: 1/3/2011

In this paper a model called Análisis de Tubos de Hormigón (ATH) is presented. It consists of a tool for designing and checking concrete pipes with any reinforcement configuration (rebars and/or structural fibers) subjected to the three edge bearing test. The model allows reproducing the behaviour up to failure accounting for the cracking and the post-peak response of the materials. It has been divided in two main parts: (1) a model for the non-linear analysis of sections and (2) a model which simulates the pipes and the test configuration. With this model, it is possible to carry with the study about the influence of the main parameters as well as with the optimum design of pipes. Furthermore, a real design case of a pipe with 2.80 m internal diameter is presented. The results obtained with the model are in good agreement with the experimental ones.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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