International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The method of calculating slabs by grillage analogy: a revision

Author(s): Manzanares Japón, J.L.; Gil Martí, M.A.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 42

Issue: 181

Appears on pages(s): 19 - 46



Date: 1/8/1991

The method of calculating slabs by grillage analogy does not lend itself to direct or immediate application, but requires the use of a methodology which provides both the means of passing from one structural type to another, and the manner of interpreting the results obtained in the latter case in such a way that the are applicable to the former. Currently, the practical utilization of this method involves a falling back on certain criteria, compiled from various authors and publications, and which in many cases give rise to errors which can actually lie on the side of unsafeness. This paper endeavours to establish a basis for the correct use of the method in calculating flat slabs of any shape subjected to loads of any type acting perpendicular to their plane and supported in any way. The worth of the method has been demonstrated by comparing the reults obtained on various types of slabs with those provided by other authors and methods.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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