International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Simplified method for evaluation of deflections in reinforced concrete beams according to EC-2

Author(s): del Río Bueno, A.; Ortiz Herrera, J.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 40

Issue: 173

Appears on pages(s): 27 - 41



Date: 1/8/1989

The over-simplified model proposed in new spanish concrete code to calculate long-time deflections in C flexural members, disagree with international european concrete codes (EC-2, CEB-FIP Model Code), and with most of main analytical models. A study concerning this matter is related by authors in this issue. In this work an alternative simplified model to evaluate long time deflections in RC is proposed. It has been developed according to general procedures suggested by EC-2 in this subject. The alternative proposal has been systematically checked for usual buildng beams, and shows a satisfactory agreement with most analytical models.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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