International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Evolution of load distributions between shores and slabs during construction

Author(s): Puente Urruzmendi, Í.; Azkune Arriada, M.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 58

Issue: 245

Appears on pages(s): 79 - 91



Date: 1/5/2007

The purpose of this work is to study shore and slab load distributions during the construction of high-rise reinforced concrete structures. Shores instrumented with strain gages have been placed on-site. In addition, one of the studied structures has been modelled using the method proposed by INTEMAC and a 2D matrix method. Their accuracy is checked by comparing the theoretical results with corresponding experimental data. Finally, other factors such as the influence of shore relative position into the concrete module, the overloads during the concrete pouring and the redistribution of loads during the time period between consecutive construction operations are also analyzed from on-site measurements.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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