International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Analysis of the behaviour in service and ultimate condition of multi-span and open spandrel arch bridges

Author(s): Molins i Borrell, C.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 57

Issue: 241

Appears on pages(s): 59 - 72



Date: 1/5/2006

This paper presents the application of a numerical model specifically developed for the nonlinear geometric and material analysis of masonry 2D or 3D skeletal structures to the study of multi-span and open spandrel arch bridges. The validation of the numerical model has been carried out by comparing of available experimental results (such as those provided by Melbourne and Tao for an open spandrel masonry arch bridge) with those produced by the model. Three examples of application to real complex structures are presented: the bridge of the motorway A2 over the river Magarola (Barcelona), the San Rafael Bridge over the Gaudalquivir River in Córdoba and the Adolphe Bridge in Luxembourg, designed by the French Engineer Paul Séjourné

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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