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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Performance of Masonry Structures During Extreme Lateral Loading Events

Author(s): A. E. Schultz

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 147


Appears on pages(s): 85-126

Keywords: adobe; bearing walls; blast loads; buildings; confined masonry; damage; earthquake-resistant structures; earthquakes; hurricanes; infilled frames; loads (forces); masonry; reinforced masonry; seismic performance; tornadoes; unreinforced masonry; wind pres

DOI: 10.14359/4351

Date: 9/1/1994

A brief overview of the performance of masonry structures subjected to extreme lateral loading events, including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and blasts is presented. The overview includes a phenomenological description of the resistance mechanisms of masonry structural systems, as well as common failure modes and their underlying causes. Observations made in 10 North, Central, and South American countries are summarized, along with pertinent discussion that compares and contrasts the various experiences. Coverage includes reinforced masonry, confined masonry, unreinforced masonry (load-bearing walls and infill panels), adobe and other nonengineered, handmade masonry.