International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Validation of Service Life Prediction for a 28-Year-Old Parking Garage Constructed of Low Permeability Concrete (Part 1)

Author(s): Amanda Bordelon, Madison Clyde, Thomas Gwynn

Publication: CRC



Appears on pages(s): 73



Date: 8/1/2023

An overall project was initiated to determine whether the use of micro-silica slurry as a supplementary cementitious material was significantly beneficial at creating a low permeability corrosion-resistant concrete, particularly from the inspection of the old parking garage at the Salt Lake City Airport. This report outlines the initial visual and some non-destructive inspection methods used to assess the parking garage. This parking garage is unique since it was one of the oldest structures in the United States built with silica fume as a pozzolan in the concrete. A history of the structure is summarized in the report. Cracking found in the structure was mostly epoxy-filled, and anecdotally noted to have been filled during the original construction. The only maintenance on record in the structure since construction was stated to be power-washing, which is very low maintenance for this type of parking garage structure. The visual inspection of the structure indicates that the parking garage’s crack density was lower than most UDOT bridge structures, which can be attributed to either the use of silica or the enhanced reinforcement (epoxy rebars and post-tensioned steel). Schmidt hammer tests verified the concrete was extremely strong, > 20ksi even for sections of concrete with no silica added. Further tests will be conducted to determine the concrete’s chloride permeability and content. This data will help determine if the silica fume has maintained its low permeability and high strength properties over time.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.