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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Corrective Measures for Noncontact Splices in Concrete Block Masonry

Author(s): Aleksandar Kisin and Lisa R. Feldman

Publication: Structural Journal

Volume: 112

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 475-484

Keywords: bond; concrete block construction; knockout webs; lap splices (contact and noncontact); transverse reinforcement; wall splice specimens

DOI: 10.14359/51687704

Date: 7/1/2015

Six corrective measures for increasing the tensile resistance of noncontact lapped bars located in adjacent cells in concrete block construction were evaluated in wall splice specimens to assess their effectiveness. Results were compared to those for specimens with contact lap splices and unremediated noncontact lap splices. All specimens were constructed in running bond with all cells fully grouted and with No. 15 (0.6 in. diameter) deformed steel bars with 200 mm (8 in.) lap splice lengths. Noncontact lap splices remediated with knockout webs, s-shaped splice bars, transverse reinforcement, and confinement cells were capable of achieving a tensile resistance similar to that of contact lap splices of the same length. Knockout webs within the splice region, used on their own as a corrective measure, increased the tensile resistance of the reinforcement by 60% and offered a simple and cost-effective means of remediating noncontact lap splices.